Upper Body Strength and it’s Ripple Effect on Your Overall Health

When speaking in terms of strength training and fitness, the body is broken down into 3 regions - upper body, lower body and core. The upper body includes the chest, arms, shoulders and hands. These body parts create a bridge to the spinal column, core and lower body and play a vital role in one’s overall health. A strong upper body can help improve posture and flexibility, athletic performance, confidence and age-related atrophy (Integrated Rehabilitation Services). 

There are several ways to strengthen the upper body region including weight lifting, boxing and Pilates. By adding resistance to the upper body muscles, whether it be with weights or props, one is able to increase their muscle mass which helps reduce stress levels and the loss of bone density. Upper body training also boosts the metabolism and energy levels. 

Additionally, Pilates is helpful when looking to build one’s upper body strength for a number of reasons. The practice focuses on form and mobility, as well as strength. Pilates typically does not include the use of heavy weights, so the focus remains on controlled movement as opposed to heavy lifting. With an intentional focus on form and strength, those practicing Pilates are able to strengthen their upper bodies at a pace that is manageable and safe. So, whether one takes an in person Pilates class on the Reformer, or opts for an upper body mat workout with Niche Pilates Online, there are ample ways to strengthen one’s upper body through the practice of Pilates. 

In conclusion, upper body strength plays a key role in one’s overall health. It helps connect the upper body to the core and lower body, and contributes to the body’s overall strength and wellbeing. By incorporating upper body workouts into one’s fitness regimen, even just twice a week, you are sure to feel more confident and flexible, better equipped to protect yourself from the loss of bone density and from unexpected falls and accidents, and boost your metabolism and energy levels. 

Benefits of increasing Upper Body Strength. No author. Integrated Rehabilitation Services. (2023, January 23). Retrieved February 20, 2023, from https://integrehab.com/blog/strength-and-conditioning/upper-body-strength/ 


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